MaINTENANCE services

We believe the Maintenance Service we provide is one of our points of difference. We have a team dedicated to taking your maintenance calls and working with you to get issues resolved.

022 127 5564 is the after hours number for you to call us when there is an emergency.

What maintenance services do we provide?

The members of the team have a range of experience from engineering to managing maintenance tasks in our database. Team members' engineering experience includes the ability to analyse issues and implement solutions in the construction and building environment. We can:

  • Produce and review Long Term Maintenance Plans for your body corporate
  • Arrange non body corporate maintenance on behalf of owner, if required
  • Maintain Building Warrant of Fitness obligations
  • Identify maintenance issues
  • Call quotes
  • Circulate quotes and obtain authorisation for works
  • Co-ordinate maintenance works
  • Ensure contractors achieve excellent standards
  • Do routine site visits
  • Manage insurance claims.

We provide maintenance services for day-to-day property management and this service is covered in our fee. Maintenance items will be either raised at the AGM for completion during the year, or from a direct instruction from the Owners’ Committee. We see this as our point of difference when compared to other service providers.

Why Us?

We have a dedicated Maintenance Team ready to take on your building and maintenance issues. All jobs are tracked in our database and an update on your job is only a phone call away. At your Annual General Meeting you will receive a report on all building and maintenance issues for the year so you can be assured your asset is being well looked after.